A Orta, gli inviati della stampa internazionale hanno potuto degustare il risotto olimpico di Paolo Viviani, chef dell'bHotel/b San Rocco e vincitore delle Olimpiadi Mondiali del Riso svoltesi a Valencia nel 2006. ...
This concept is further enforced when you see the favorite bvacation/b destinations of the various countries in the European Union. The Germans love Northern and Northeastern Italy and follow the coast all the way down to Puglia while ... bSizzano/b: Town of bSizzano/b (Alba) Vasusa: Province of Turin Verduno Pelaverga or. Verduno: Town of Verduno Pelaverga (Cuneo) This is a long list but it should tell you that if you are really interested in wine, Piemonte is a place to visit. ...